Saturday, June 14, 2014

Wallace Taft Washburn (1858-1915): Funeral

The above is a newspaper article from the Ogden Standard on August 11, 1915 that reports on the funeral for my 2nd great grandfather Wallace Washburn.  The article reads:

WASHBURN - The funeral of Wallace T. Washburn was held in the Third ward meeting house yesterday afternoon, with Bishop E. A. Bingham of the Wilson ward presiding. The speakers were Bishop Bingham, Patriarch George W. Larkin, President F. W. Stratford and Daniel Drake. Miss Williamson sang "O My Father," "Wanted on the Other Side" and "Thy Will Be Done," and Miss Josephine Shorten sang "The Christian's Goodnight." The interment was in the City cemetery and the grave was dedicated by President Stratford.

The article above is a followup to this post.  It is an additional death notice for Wallace Washburn from the Ogden Standard from August 9th, 1915 and is very similar to the others from the previous post.  It reads:

WASHBURN - Wallace T. Washburn of Wilson Lane died yesterday morning at the Dee hospital of gangrene. He was 57 years of age and is survived by his wife, Martha E. Washburn, one son and one daughter. The injury which became infected and caused his death was a scratch on his left arm near the shoulder, received while bathing at Lagoon. At the time, he thought nothing of it, but a short time later, gangrene set in in a virulent form and he was rushed to the hospital. The funeral will be held at the Third ward meeting house tomorrow at 2 p.m. and the interment will be in the City cemetery. The body may be viewed this afternoon and evening and tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Larkin mortuary chapel.

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