Saturday, June 7, 2014

Wallace Taft Washburn (1858-1915): Death Notices from the Newspaper

This notice was from the Salt Lake Tribune on August 9th, 1915 and reports on the untimely death of my 2nd great grandfather Wallace Washburn.  The text of the article reads:


Wallace Washburn Passes Away at Hospital in Ogden

Special to The Tribune

OGDEN, Aug 8. - A slight injury received while swimming in the bathing pool at Lagoon about one month ago is said to have been the contributory cause which resulted in the death of Wallace Washburn, 57 years of age, an Ogden railroad man, at the Dee hospital early this morning.  Mr. Washburn's death resulted after suffering for three weeks from an attack of gangrene, which developed in his arm and spread to the side of his body.

While swimming in the resort pool about four weeks ago Mr. Washburn received a slight scratch on the arm. One week later the gangrenous attack was discovered and quickly spread to the entire arm and a portion of his body. Death resulted at 1:45 o'clock this morning. Mr Washburn, who had been employed as a switchman for many years, resided on Wilson lane. He is survived by his wife, Martha E. Washburn, one son and one daughter.

Bishop E.A. Bingham of the Wilson ward will conduct the funeral services in the Third ward chapel at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Interment in the Ogden City cemetary.

This second notice is from the Salt Lake Herald of June 9th, 1915 and is similar to the first notice above.  It reads:


Scratch Received Month Ago at Lagoon Causes Blood Poisoning

Special to the Herald Republican

Ogden, Aug. 8. - Gangrene appearing first in a scratch sustained a month ago at Lagoon resulted this morning in the death of Wallace T. Washburn, aged 57, a resident of Wilson lane. Mr. Washburn was bathing at the resort when he was scratched, and a few days later he became so ill it was necessary to remove him to the Dee hospital.

He leaves a wife, Mrs. Martha E. Washburn, one son and one daughter. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Third Ward meeting house, with Bishop E.A. Bingham of Wilson ward officiating.

Both articles mention my second great grandmother Martha E. Mason Washburn.  The one daughter mentioned is my great grandmother.

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