Saturday, June 21, 2014

Mormon Overland Trail Database: Part 8

Part 7 of the series is here.

I made a mistake in part 7 saying that it would be the last post in this series.  I have found a couple of other ancestors that are included in the Mormon Pioneer Overland Trail Database.  This post is about my 4th great grandfather Lewis Taft.

Lewis Taft traveled in the Jesse Murphy Company.  The group left Florence Nebraska on June 19th, 1860 in wagons.  They arrived in Salt Lake on August 30th of 1860.

Lewis traveled with his wife Johanna.  Lewis Taft's first wife (and my 4th great grandmother) Lucinda Cobb had died on July 3rd of 1858.  

Monday, June 16, 2014

Lewis Taft (1805-1890): House

I came across a photo of this cabin from a website that discusses some of the history of Ogden, Utah.  It appears to be a photo of the cabin that my 4th great-grandfather Lewis Taft lived in when he was in Ogden, Utah.  This photo was taken in 1986.  The website says the cabin was finally torn down in 1989.

The following links to the website have a little more information about it.

Link #1
Link #2

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Ellen Jane Neimoyer (1847-1923): Death Certificate

This is the death certificate for my 2nd great grandmother Ellen Jane Neimoyer.  This comes from the Utah State Archives online.

This certificate says she was born Macungie, Pennsylvania March 15th, 1847. Her parents are listed as William Neimoyer and Lucinda Romig both of Pennsylvania.

She passed away on September 13, 1923 at the age of 76.  The cause of death is listed as "apoplexy".

She is listed as widowed and her spouse's name is listed as William Henry Stevens.  The informant is listed as Mrs. Lester S. Scoville which would have been her daughter Ruby May.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Wallace Taft Washburn (1858-1915): Funeral

The above is a newspaper article from the Ogden Standard on August 11, 1915 that reports on the funeral for my 2nd great grandfather Wallace Washburn.  The article reads:

WASHBURN - The funeral of Wallace T. Washburn was held in the Third ward meeting house yesterday afternoon, with Bishop E. A. Bingham of the Wilson ward presiding. The speakers were Bishop Bingham, Patriarch George W. Larkin, President F. W. Stratford and Daniel Drake. Miss Williamson sang "O My Father," "Wanted on the Other Side" and "Thy Will Be Done," and Miss Josephine Shorten sang "The Christian's Goodnight." The interment was in the City cemetery and the grave was dedicated by President Stratford.

The article above is a followup to this post.  It is an additional death notice for Wallace Washburn from the Ogden Standard from August 9th, 1915 and is very similar to the others from the previous post.  It reads:

WASHBURN - Wallace T. Washburn of Wilson Lane died yesterday morning at the Dee hospital of gangrene. He was 57 years of age and is survived by his wife, Martha E. Washburn, one son and one daughter. The injury which became infected and caused his death was a scratch on his left arm near the shoulder, received while bathing at Lagoon. At the time, he thought nothing of it, but a short time later, gangrene set in in a virulent form and he was rushed to the hospital. The funeral will be held at the Third ward meeting house tomorrow at 2 p.m. and the interment will be in the City cemetery. The body may be viewed this afternoon and evening and tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Larkin mortuary chapel.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Lewis Taft (1805-1890): Gravesite

This is the gravesite of my 4th great grandfather Lewis Taft.  This picture comes from the Find A Grave website.

He is buried in the Ogden City Cemetery in Ogden, UT.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Wallace Taft Washburn (1858-1915): Death Notices from the Newspaper

This notice was from the Salt Lake Tribune on August 9th, 1915 and reports on the untimely death of my 2nd great grandfather Wallace Washburn.  The text of the article reads:


Wallace Washburn Passes Away at Hospital in Ogden

Special to The Tribune

OGDEN, Aug 8. - A slight injury received while swimming in the bathing pool at Lagoon about one month ago is said to have been the contributory cause which resulted in the death of Wallace Washburn, 57 years of age, an Ogden railroad man, at the Dee hospital early this morning.  Mr. Washburn's death resulted after suffering for three weeks from an attack of gangrene, which developed in his arm and spread to the side of his body.

While swimming in the resort pool about four weeks ago Mr. Washburn received a slight scratch on the arm. One week later the gangrenous attack was discovered and quickly spread to the entire arm and a portion of his body. Death resulted at 1:45 o'clock this morning. Mr Washburn, who had been employed as a switchman for many years, resided on Wilson lane. He is survived by his wife, Martha E. Washburn, one son and one daughter.

Bishop E.A. Bingham of the Wilson ward will conduct the funeral services in the Third ward chapel at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Interment in the Ogden City cemetary.

This second notice is from the Salt Lake Herald of June 9th, 1915 and is similar to the first notice above.  It reads:


Scratch Received Month Ago at Lagoon Causes Blood Poisoning

Special to the Herald Republican

Ogden, Aug. 8. - Gangrene appearing first in a scratch sustained a month ago at Lagoon resulted this morning in the death of Wallace T. Washburn, aged 57, a resident of Wilson lane. Mr. Washburn was bathing at the resort when he was scratched, and a few days later he became so ill it was necessary to remove him to the Dee hospital.

He leaves a wife, Mrs. Martha E. Washburn, one son and one daughter. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Third Ward meeting house, with Bishop E.A. Bingham of Wilson ward officiating.

Both articles mention my second great grandmother Martha E. Mason Washburn.  The one daughter mentioned is my great grandmother.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Lewis Taft (1805-1890): Death Notice

This article from the Ogden Standard from October 12th, 1890 is the death notice for my 4th great grandfather Lewis Taft.  He passed away on October 10th, 1890.  This is the text from the article:

Lewis Taft Dead.

Lewis Taft, an old and well-known citizen of Wilson, died of old age at 6 p.m. last Friday, and the funeral will take place from the ward meeting-house this afternoon.  All friends are invited.  He was for a number of years a resident of Lynne, and filled the office of post-master.

The above is the death notice for his spouse Johanna Taft from the Ogden Daily Herald on April 21, 1885.  She passed away on April 15th, 1885.  This is the text of the article:


In Lynne, on April 15th, 1885 of old age Johanna, beloved wife of Lewis Taft.

The deceased was born at Plymouth Mass., November 14th, 1804; was baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints April 16th, 1843, by Elder Lorrin Farr and emigrated to Utah in company with her husband in 1860 and settled in Lynne, which was then known as Bingham Fort, at which place she resided till the time of her demise.  She was always known as a good wife and a kind-hearted woman and was highly respected by all who knew her.

The funeral services were held on April 17th, in the Lynne schoolhouse, Bishop D. F. Thomas presiding.  Suitable addresses were delivered by Elders Thos. Wilson, P. L. Sherner, and Bishop Thomas, who all spoke in eulogistic terms of the departed sister, of her charitable disposition, and of her faithfulness as a Latter-day Saint.

Salt Lake papers please copy.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Emeline Judith Taft (1833-1917): 1880 Census Record

This is a followup to this post.  I hadn't been able to find the record of Emeline Taft Washburn in the 1880 census.  However today while searching for something else concerning my 3rd great grandmother, I came across the record.

Here is a link to the record.

In 1880, she was living in Ogden, Utah with her son Wallace Taft Washburn (my 2nd great grandfather.)  The occupation listed is "Keeping House." The age listed in 1880 is 45.  She is also listed as a widow in the census record which only deepens this mystery.

The age listed for Wallace is 22 and his occupation is listed as laborer.

Emeline and Wallace are listed as living with a Lewis and Joanna Taft, both age 75.  These are probably her father and step-mother.  Lewis would be my 4th great grandfather