Sunday, September 16, 2012

Henry Maiben: Actor

The above comes from the blog All Things Ancestor.  It shows information about a play called Lady of Lyons. Henry Maiben, my 3rd great grandfather, played the part of Glavis.  The play was to be performed one night only, Wednesday, November 4th, 1863 in the Salt Lake Theatre.  It seems some professional actors were passing through the city and agreed to put on this performance with some of the local talent playing the supporting roles.

Just another example of Henry's love of the arts.


  1. I am a descendant of Henry and Flora Maiben. They had a son, name Henry Joseph Maiben who married Louisa Harrison. They had Olive Maiben who married Joseph Kelly Nicholes who is my great grandfather. My mom says besides being an actor, he also had the job of painting the old steeple, soon to be restored, on the original Provo Tabernacle. The family joke is the steeple was removed after Henry stopped painting it because no one else was crazy enough to go up there and paint it. I'm sure being the owner of Maiben Glass and Paint had something to do with his painting the steeple.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story. I appreciate your adding to the history of Henry Maiben. That's one of the reasons I started this blog.
